This is the operational status page of Binero, showing any outages and planned maintenance. It also offers you to use RSS or iCal to follow events, or subscribe to SMS or email updates from events and incidents.This page and it's information is only available in English. Use this link to show a Google Translated version.
When: in 3 days, 17 hours
We will perform maintenance on the authentication (auth.binero.cloud) and dashboard (control.binero.cloud) in our public cloud platform on the 27th of January 2025 starting at 10:00 PM/22:00 CET Europe/Stockholm timezone (UTC/GMT+1).
We estimate the maintenance to take up to two (2) hours.
No disruption on authentication and/or other dataplane services is expected.
When: in 1 week, 3 days
We will perform maintenance on the APIs (api-eu-se-1.binero.cloud) in our public cloud platform on the 3rd of February 2025 starting at 10:00 PM/22:00 CET Europe/Stockholm timezone (UTC/GMT+1).
We estimate the maintenance to take up to four (4) hours.
We expect minimal disruptions and failures for CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations to the APIs during the maintenance window.
No disruption for dataplane services is expected.
No incidents during the past 7 days.