This is the operational status page of Binero, showing any outages and planned maintenance. It also offers you to use RSS or iCal to follow events, or subscribe to SMS or email updates from events and incidents.This page and it's information is only available in English. Use this link to show a Google Translated version.
All systems are operational
PM: 2024-10-10 Incident regarding on our of compute nodes
Status: Fixed - 6 days, 1 hour ago
Status: Fixed - 6 days, 1 hour ago
03:03: An alarm was received regarding one of our compute nodes restarting.
03:33: Troubleshooting began, and a hardware failure was identified. Migration of the compute node was initiated.
04:27: The issue required escalation due to difficulties in completing the migration of instances to a new compute node.
05:02: The issue has been resolved.